Tuesday 28 October 2008

Knowing me and knowing you....ahaaa...

To get us "in the mood" for this new brief we were sat down and showed a video - where different typefaces were personified. The aim of which was to show us that type could (and does) have a personality. The video was actually quite funny and I had a moment of realization half way through where I thought "Oh god, I'm laughing at type jokes. I am officially a geek."

After that we were given some questions to answer about ourselves and asked to write 10 more questions to ask somebody else. Armed with our Q&A we were paired up and began to interrogate one another. I was paired with Luke (Hallam).
We had a chat about what we had written down and got to know each other a bit more...which resulted in us decided on 10 words to describe each other.

Lukes words ended up being -
Mature (x2)
Well Travelled
Conservative (which after asking Luke what he meant I altered to "Guarded")

The brief was to design a typeface for our partner which demonstrated these words.

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