Monday 3 November 2008

Collecting objects...

To launch us into colour theory we were asked to collect 10 objects of our *chosen* colour. By chosen I obviously don't mean we actually got to pick our was more of a random selection. My colour was purple/violet...depending on how you're feeling.
In groups we experimented with different ways we could organise our objects in order of colour. One of the ways we presented them was by making use of our pigeon holes...starting with the violets verging on blue, working our way through the lighter shades and ending on the violets which were starting to merge into red...

We watched the *blues* intently line up their objects from light to dark...which ended in a colour very close to violet. We thought it would be interesting to add our objects onto the end and before we had finished everyone seemed to be getting involved. The result was a huge loop which took over both the corridor and the studio - attracting a lot of attention. I think it's fair to say everyone was pretty impressed with the result and is a good example of what collaboration can achieve...

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