Monday 17 November 2008

One of my new favourite designers....

Been meaning to post this for a while now but just been reminded by an article in Computer Arts about using craft work in Graphic Design. In the last few months I've been making more use of 3D in my work and been asked about it. I couldn't really explain why I liked using crafts but there were a couple of interesting interviews which basically said that maybe using craft work and 3D was a reaction to the rise of the more linear work and almost "anti-technology".
Anyway...the reason for this post was just to show a few bits of work that I'd been shown recently which maybe other people might be interested in too...

These two images are from designer - Julien Vallee...
His work seems to have a real life to it and almost demands attention.

Another image that has interested me recently is something most people have probably already seen but I wanted to include it anyway. Its an image called "The Magic Machine" and was a competition winner for "Don't Panic".

There's also a video that you can watch which shows how they put the installation together...

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